Are You Dancing With Yourself?
I love this classic song by Billy Idol – it’s one of those songs that inspires me to get up and dance - anytime, anywhere. I just can’t help myself.
So I was dancing around, by myself, and was thinking about the chorus:
Oh oh, Dancing with a-myself, Oh, oh, dancing with myself Well, there's nothing to lose And there's nothing to prove, well, Dancing a-with myself
And what hit me was this:
Are you willing to dance with yourself in your life, dance in your dream, dance in your mission and purpose by yourself or are you waiting for someone else?
Are you waiting for someone to give you permission?
Are you waiting for someone to give you validation?
Are you waiting for someone to give you reassurance?
Here’s my coaching question for today – ask yourself:
If I weren’t waiting for permission, validation or reassurance, I would ______ today.
What’s the blank? And what’s one step you can take today to dance with yourself toward living your dream, your mission and purpose?
I can’t wait to hear about it!
And for some extra inspiration, click on the link to Dancing With Myself get up and dance right now!