Sherri Ziff Life Coach
Nashville Artist

"The music industry is tough and has the potential to harden a gentle soul. Sherri gets to the core of protecting your soul through self-validation..She's is an expert in this area."
--Danika Holmes, Songwriter
"Sherri has tremendous wisdom and insight but also approaches coaching in a very practical, straight-forward way which I found very helpful and refreshing. Her results oriented approach was invaluable! Thanks, Sherri!"
-- Nashville Artist
Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, ,Nashville Life Coach,Nashville Life Coach,
Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach,
Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Entertainment Industry Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach,
Nashville Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach, Nashville Life Coach
Hey Nashville!
Thanks for making me feel so welcome. I feel the creativity and collaboration in the air. I love it here.
RockYourLifeCoaching™ began with an unexpected and passionate desire to touch souls, to bring music to the world -- crazy, loud, dance 'til-you-drop, cry-every-tear, heart-throbbing, soul-soaring music.
And that’s why you’re here: you want to sing your song, you want your music to be heard. Whatever your creative expression is, you want to rock it.
I’m a champion of the creative spirit, and as certified life coach known for working in Hollywood, I am so excited to bring my expertise to Nashville!
So how can I help you?
I provide the tools, expertise, inspiration, and framework to:
• Access your genius so you can create original music and insightful lyrics
• Stay balanced and focused while you’re pursuing your dream
• Release feeling like you're a failure becasue you're not "there" yet
• Navigate the inherent periods of ups and downs in this business with strength.
• Love your life no matter where you are in the "success" spectrum
• Manage the challenges of celebrity and fame
Here are a few of the issues that mess with creativity– tell me if they sound familiar:
• Procrastination
• Overwhelm
• Fear of success, fear of failure, any fear that stops you,
• Feelings of unworthiness – that you’re not really an “artist”
• Difficulty finishing
• The flood of divinely inspired ideas and the challenge to focus, prioritize, eliminate distractions (even when those distraction are more ideas)
Your creativity is a sacred trust.
Let’s get you moving – now.
Time Between Jobs &
Losing Touch With Your Creativity
Musicians, artists, and Entertainment Industry and Creative Professionals of all kinds have come to me with a wide array of quests, challenges and issues: some have a deadline that’s fast approaching and they’re choking, some want to explore how to deepen their creative expression, some want accountability, some want to shift into new professions or start a creative profession for the first time.
But there are two issues I hear about so often, I want to talk to you about them: the time between jobs and losing touch with your creativity.
The fact about creative professions is that there are times of employment and times in between jobs. What’s essential as a creative person is that you view both times as equally valuable, that you’re not waiting for your life to happen, that you don’t fall into a well of despair when you’re not working.
Easier said than done, right?
I understand this plight. You’ve been conditioned
to believe you are valuable when you’re working and well, you’re not valuable when you’re not. It is essential to your well-being and the well-being of the people around you that you create a new paradigm.
Don’t live another day between jobs feeling like a loser. You deserve to love your life ALL the time.
Where's Your Creative Juice?
Okay… writer’s block, feeling stuck, losing your creative mojo… You might be surprised that I don’t believe in writer’s block. When you’re on staff of a TV show and the entire production depends on your pages, you learn skills to deliver. I’ve been that writer, and I have the skills, and you can, too.
Losing your creative mojo is usually a wider problem. I think creativity infuses all aspects of your life, and in turn, all aspects of your life impact your creativity. So when we set out to regain your creative sparks, we’re going to light up the rest of your life, too. Are you having fun? I bet not much. Working out, breaking a sweat? Yeah, that’s what I thought. Your place is a mess? I know. That’s just for starters.
Creative people often go from zero to 60 in a second – you get an idea, you feel that tingling gut sensation and you fly. You feel alive. But the reverse is also true, creative people often go from 60 to zero just as fast. Many creative people haven’t developed the thick skin to handle criticism and rejection, They don’t have the tools to handle the frustration that creation (writing a song, a book, a screenplay, etc) takes time. The path to completing a project is not linear. The question is if the challenges along the way will stop you in your tracks or not.
Illuminate Your Imagination. Create Like Crazy. Get Unstuck. Get Happy. Now.